I know what you’re thinking, depression is generally considered a disease not a gift but I’m here to tell you that a gift is exactly what I have found depression can be if you choose to look at it that way and that no matter how bad your depression is you can use these steps to help it be that way for you too. (This doesn't mean you can go off your medication.)

Get Moving!

One of the things you've GOT to do when you are depressed is to GET MOVING, it doesn't matter too much what you do as long as it's something that you can look back on and think "I'm SO glad I did that". I like to do things in 15 minute increments, it makes everything seem so much more do able, as flylady.net says "You can do anything for 15 minutes."
You can set a timer for 15 minutes and clean a part of your house that has been driving you nuts but you just haven't felt up to the challenge, you can pamper yourself, exercise, make something creative or do something nice for someone you love.

There are a couple rules:
1- It can't be anything "big", it can't take up a lot of time, money, energy or thought. Any of those things might mean that you take two steps back from doing too much.
2- Whatever you do it can't be for any other reason than that it would feel nice to know that you had done something good, no expecting what you do to get thanks or love from someone else.

Take it one step at a time, let each step build on the other, when you find yourself feeling overwhelmed, and you will, we all do, just remind yourself that "You can do anything for 15 minutes" and GET MOVING.

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