I know what you’re thinking, depression is generally considered a disease not a gift but I’m here to tell you that a gift is exactly what I have found depression can be if you choose to look at it that way and that no matter how bad your depression is you can use these steps to help it be that way for you too. (This doesn't mean you can go off your medication.)

The Roller Coaster

Sometimes I feel like I'm on a roller coaster, yes I know that's a symptom of Bi-polar, not the roller coaster of extreme highs and lows but of my patience with life in general. My kids get to deal with it the most of course, like yesterday, I had tons of patience for most of the day and then DS got into something of mine, that I had repeatedly told him to stay out of and had put out of the way, when I saw him with it and the lengths he'd gone to get to it I was just so mad that I grabbed him and put him in his room until I could cool off enough to not beat his butt, hurting my foot along the way.

I don't like it when I lose my temper, I know that it happens to everybody and that it doesn't mean I'm a terrible mom or wife but I hate that they are always the ones that get the short end of the stick when I'm less than 100%. I know that I need to make more time for real self care, not just watching a show I like, like actually getting my hair done or going out with my DH or a girlfriend, even taking the time to write this is a form of self care for me. Who doesn't feel better when they've poured their feelings out, whether on "paper" or to a good friend.

My patience has been rather low these last few days and as much as I like being the one with all the answers, as if you hadn't noticed already, I just want a break from having to be patient. I want a break from constant asking and needing and pulling and climbing and I really want to feel like I've accomplished something more than my usual day to day stuff, something that reminds me that I'm more than a butt wiper, food cooker, laundry cleaner, hurt kisser, kid carrier, husband handler, and general family fixer upper.

The question is "What?"

1 comment:

  1. O mi gosh! Look at what you ARE!!! That's a LOT. you DO a lot! And you ARE more than you listed there.
    That break you are wanting.....it'll come. It may not come fast. Or soon. You are a mom of preschoolers.
    Remember. "To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under Heaven." Eccl 3:11
    I had wanted to share that in the miniclass Tues night and the 15 min class didn't allow for me to share 1/2 of what i wanted.
